NEW - SLEEP SEMINAR FOR BABIES - February 27th | 11am - 12pm
Solving your baby’s sleep – tricks and tips for the first year ....In this one-hour presentation, you will :
- learn 5 tips for helping your baby sleep better
- learn the biggest mistake parents make with their babies’ sleep
- uncover the mysteries of your baby’s sleep rhythms and patterns
- review sleep safety for your baby’s first year
*Participants who decide to book personalized sleep coaching for their child after the presentation will have the price of this seminar deducted from the cost.
Hilary is passionate about helping little ones develop healthy sleep habits they will take with them throughout their lives, and loves sharing in the relief and joy parents feel when the whole family is finally sleeping through the night.
As a certified Sleep Sense™ consultant, Hilary has been trained in a proven, effective program that’s helped thousands of babies and their families sleep better, now and long term.
A mother of two young children, she discovered the SleepSense™ program when struggling with her first baby’s sleep. Working with a consultant, she was inspired by the incredible, lasting success her family experienced to help other exhausted families get the sleep they need.
Hilary has also worked in health care for 15 years as a physiotherapist, giving her a healthy respect for the role of research in helping parents make the best decisions for their family. Her years of training in meditation, yoga and Buddhist philosophy have helped her realize the importance of compassion and mindfulness when working with these little beings, and given her tools she is happy to pass on to families coping with the stress that comes with sleepless nights.
MONDAY FEBRUARY 27th | 11am-12pm